To be able to run Blogoommer you'll need a java environment, version 1.4
or later.
If you don't have java, you can download and install the software from
the official website:
In terms of hardware, it would be safe to say that a machine bearing
over 128 Megs of RAM with a processor concomittant with that (>= 1 GHz)
should enable you to get the job done. The user interface is lacking in
terms of reponse on Mac OS X - this is a drawback of Swing on the Mac
(you should know that the interface is developped using Java Swing
Lastly, you need to have access your an FTP/Web site. This requirement
is not optional, since you can still generate your blog files but will
have no official place to upload them to without a proper remote FTP
site that hosts web pages.